AG 550054 Installing the AG 5500Setting the DNS OptionsDNS lets subscribers enter meaningful URLs into a browser (instead of complicated numericIP addresses) by automatically converting URLs into the correct IP addresses. You can assign aprimary, secondary, or tertiary (third) DNS server. The AG 5500 uses the currently availableserverUse the following procedure to set the DNS configuration options.1. Enter c (configuration) at the AG 5500 Menu. The Configuration menu appears.2. Enter dn (dns) at the Configuration menu. The system displays the current domain (thedefault is “nomadix”).3. Enter a valid domain name (the Internet domain that DNS requests will utilize).4. Enter the host name (the DNS name of the AG 5500). The name cannot contain spaces.After assigning the host name, the system requests IP addresses for the primary,secondary, and tertiary DNS servers (the default for the DNS primary address is Enter the IP addresses for the DNS servers (located at the customer’s network operatingcenter where DNS requests are sent).6. Enter y (yes) to reboot the AG 5500 for your settings to take effect.Sample Screen Response:Configuration>dnEnter domain [domainname]: newdomainnameEnter host name [dnshostname]: newhostnameEnter primary DNS [ ]: secondary DNS [ ]: tertiary DNS [ ]: system must be reset to function properly. Reboot? [yes/no]: yDomain newdomainnameHost Name newhostnamePrimary DNS DNS DNS ...The DNS options have been established. DNS will now convert subscriber browser URLsinto the correct IP addresses automatically.You must configure DNS if you want to enter meaningful URLs instead ofnumeric IP addresses into any of the AG 5500’s configuration screens.The secondary and tertiary DNS servers are only utilized if the primary DNSserver is unavailable.