AG 5500230 System AdministrationViewing the History Log {History}You can view a history log of the system’s Access, Reboot, and Uptime activities. The historylog contains up to 500 entries. Over 500 entries and each new log item removes the oldest entryin the list. The latest entry is always at the top of the list.To view the history log, go to the Web Management Interface and click on System, thenHistory. The Uptime and Access/Reboot History screen appears:The “Uptime” field displays the time (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds) that the system hasbeen up and running.The “Access and reboot History” log fields include:z Message – Administrator / Operator action.z Login – User name of the Administrator / Operator.z IP – Source IP address (see note).The source IP displayed may be the source IP of a NAT router instead of the clientof the person accessing the AG 5500.More listings ...Uptime Indicator