16How to Adjust the Saddle PostFor effective training, the saddle should be at theproper height. As you pedal, there should be a slightbend in your knees when the pedals are in the lowestposition.To adjust the saddlepost, loosen thepost knob (D),move the saddlepost upward ordownward, andthen firmly tightenthe post knob.IMPORTANT: Donot raise the sad-dle post beyondthe “MAX” mark on the saddle post.How to Adjust the Handlebar PostTo adjust the han-dlebar post, loosenthe post knob (E),move the handle-bar post upwardor downward, andthen firmly tightenthe post knob.IMPORTANT:Do not raise thehandlebar postbeyond the “MAX” mark on the handlebar post.How to Adjust the Position of the ConsoleThe console (F) canbe adjusted upward,downward, or tothe side. To adjustthe position of theconsole, simplyhold the sides of theconsole and pressit to the desiredposition. You canpivot the console allthe way to the sideso that you can view it while standing next to the studiocycle to perform hand weight exercises or other floorexercises.HOW TO LEVEL THE STUDIO CYCLEIf the studio cyclerocks slightly onyour floor dur-ing use, turn oneor both of theleveling feet (G )beneath the rearstabilizer until therocking motion iseliminated.HOW TO USE THE PEDALSTo use the pedals,insert your shoesinto the toe cagesand pull the endsof the toe straps.To adjust the toestraps, press andhold the tabs (H) onthe buckles, adjustthe toe straps to thedesired position, and then release the tabs.Note: You can remove the pedals and attach yourown pedals to the studio cycle if desired.HOW TO USE THE BRAKE KNOBTo change theresistance of thepedals, press thebuttons on the righthandlebar (see step3 on page 20).To stop the fly-wheel, push thebrake knob (I). Theflywheel will quicklycome to a completestop.DEFGGHI