PICO Toμch Controller14www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.User InterfaceThe controller is operated through an easy-to-use touchscreen interface. This section provides an overview of theuser interface and all the controller’s screens and menus.Navigation and Screen StructureAll system controls are accessed through the icons and buttons on the touchscreen. Each screen includes iconsthat allow you to jump quickly to other main screens. Each screen also shows the current LCD display version andthe system UpTime, which is an indicator of how long the controller has been active or operational. The UpTime isspecifically used to track when alarm conditions occur in the controller.Button areaQuick navigation areafor easy access to othermodules / screensTitle bar area shows:• LCD version• Module / screen name• Up Time: How long the controller hasbeen ON.Alarm IndicationThe title bar blinks red anytime an alarm condition is detected, regardless of the type of alarm. For example, if aPOWER alarm occurs when the VALVE screen is open, the title bar blinks red even though the alarm is not a valve-related alarm. To view the alarm type, touch the title bar.Title bar blinks red anytimean alarm condition isdetected, regardless of thealarm type. Touch the title barto view the alarm.Structure of a Toμch controller screen (VALVE screen shown; LCD version number and UpTime values are only examples)Example of the alarm screen