PICO Toμch Controller40www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.OperationFollow these recommended procedures for daily / routine startup andshutdown to obtain the best performance from your system.CAUTIONThe Pμlse valve is normally open and power must be applied toclose it. In the case of damage to the piezo actuator or the Toμchcontroller, the valve may transition from a CLOSED to an OPENcondition, which can cause fluid release. Nordson EFD recommendscontinually monitoring the status signal of the Toμch controller andimmediately and automatically de-pressurizing the system if thesignal indicates an error.Routine Startup1. If the process requires a heated valve, press the HEATERS iconand then press ON to switch the HEATERS mode to On.NOTE: Upon reboot, the controller remembers the last selectedHEATERS mode.2. Press the VALVE icon and then MODE until the touchscreenshows the desired operating mode.3. Start your process.Purging the SystemPress the VALVE > PURGE icons as needed to clear debris or afterchanging the fluid body assembly. Refer to the valve operatingmanual for more detailed information on purging and systemcleaning.Placing the system in the Timed modePurging the systemSwitching on heater control