PICO Toμch Controller22www.nordsonefd.com info@nordsonefd.com 800-556-3484 Sales and service of Nordson EFD dispensing systems are available worldwide.WAVE PROFILE ScreenThe valve actuation signal, known as ramp, can be illustrated as a wave pattern. The rise and fall of the actuationsignal, shown as a rise and fall in the wave pattern, affects the material deposit. The Toμch controller can createa ramp profile for both the valve open (fall) and valve close (rise) signals based on settings entered on the RAMPscreen.Button DescriptionCLOSE (1, 2, 3, 4,5, or RAMP)Sets how fast the valve actuation signal rises. When RAMP is selected, the system creates a CLOSE profilebased on the settings entered on the RAMP screen. Refer to "Adjusting the Wave Profile" on page 34 formore information.OPEN (1, 2, 3, 4,5, or RAMP)Sets how fast the valve actuation signal falls. When RAMP is selected, the system creates an OPEN profilebased on the settings entered on the RAMP screen. Refer to "Adjusting the Wave Profile" on page 34 formore information.NOTE: CLOSE 1-5 and OPEN 1-5 are factory disabled (locked out). Obtain assistance from EFD Technical Services to changethese settings.RAMP ScreenButton DescriptionCLOSE VOLTS Sets the voltage to close the valve. The higher the voltage, the greater the sealing force applied.STROKE Sets the voltage for each initiate cycle. For example, a CLOSE VOLTS setting of 120V and a STROKEsetting of 50% means that when the valve actuates, the voltage changes from 120V to 60V and then backto 120V, as shown by the wave profile RAMP GRAPH, which you can view by pressing PREVIEW.NOTE: To ensure that the valve operates within its safe operating limits, the controller may automatically adjust the CLOSEVOLTS and STROKE settings depending on the type of valve connected.OPEN Sets how fast the valve opens. The range is valve-dependent, but typically 200–500 μs.CLOSE Sets how fast the valve closes. The range is valve-dependent, but typically 200–2,000 μs.PREVIEW Opens the RAMP GRAPH screen, which displays a visual representation of the wave profile based on thesettings entered for OPEN and CLOSE on the RAMP screen.NOTE: The PREVIEW screen shows a wave profile only for the CLOSE: RAMP and OPEN: RAMP profiles.It does not provide a wave profile for any custom profiles (CLOSE 1-5 and OPEN 1-5).