Call Inbox120Viewing the details of a call in the Call InboxTo view details of a call in the Call Inbox:SavePrevNextBackWhen you view the details of a call in the CallInbox you can do the following:— Initiate a call to the caller displayedon the screen. (See “To initiate a callfrom the Call Inbox:” on page 122)— Press the Save Context-sensitivesoft key to save the callerinformation to the Address Book. Aconfirmation screen appears. Youcan edit the name before you save itin the Address book. Press the SaveContext-sensitive soft key to acceptthe entry. Press the Yes Context-sensitive soft key or the No Context-sensitive soft key to designate thenew entry as a friend or not. TheIP Phone 1140E saves the entry tothe Address book and returns you tothe Inbox screen.— Press the Prev Context-sensitivesoft key to move to the previouscaller on the Call Inbox list andreturn to the Inbox.— Press the Next Context-sensitivesoft key to move to the next caller onthe Call Inbox list and return to theInbox.— Press the Back Context-sensitivesoft key to return to the Inbox.