Receiving a call92Redirecting an incoming callWhen you receive a call, you can choose to redirect the call directly toanother destination without answering the call.To redirect a call, press the Redrct Context-sensitive soft key. To enter aSIP address or phone number where you want the call redirected use oneof the following methods:• Enter the SIP address or phone number using the dialpad.• Select a contact from the Address Book, Call Inbox, or Call Outbox.To redirect an incoming call:Redrct 1. Press the Redrct Context-sensitive softkey to redirect an incoming call. TheLCD screen prompts you to enter anaddress to where you want the calldirected.2. Use the Dialpad to enter a phonenumber or SIP address.RedrctClearBack3. To redirect the call to the address youenter press the Redrct Context-sensitivesoft key.Press the Clear Context-sensitive softkey to clear the entry.Press the Back Context-sensitive softkey to return to the Incoming Call Screenwithout redirecting the call.