While on an active call149Note: When more than one call is on hold the call you want totransfer must be the active call. (See “To make a call on hold theactive call” on page 146)To transfer a call to another phone:1. Press the Action Context-sensitive softkey and select Transfer from the menu.abc 2. Press the abc/123 Context-sensitive softkey to toggle between numeric andalphabetic input.Select3. Enter the phone number or SIP addressto which you are transferring the call.orSelect a contact from the Address Book,Call Inbox, or Call Outbox by pressingthe corresponding fixed key. Highlight acontact from the list and press theSelect Context-sensitive soft key.TransfrClearBack4. Press the Transfr Context-sensitive softkey to connect the calling party.To erase the address you enter, pressthe Clear Context-sensitive soft key.To return to the previous screen, pressthe Back Context-sensitive soft key.Action