Receiving a call97Managing Call Decline ReasonsYou can create Call Decline Reasons that you can access when you wantto decline an incoming call. To create a Call Decline Reason press thePrefs Context-sensitive soft key, select Feature Options, and chooseCall Decline Reasons from the menu. You can edit and delete CallDecline Reasons from the list of Call Decline Reasons you create.To create a Call Decline Reason:To delete a Call Decline Reason:Add 1. Press the Add Context-sensitive soft keyto add a new Call Decline Reason to thelist of available Call Decline Reasons.SaveBack2. Use the dialpad to enter the new CallDecline Reason for the contact.3. Press the Save Context-sensitive softkey to save the new Call DeclineReason.orPress the Back Context-sensitive softkey to return to the previous menuwithout saving the new Call DeclineReason.Note: The IP Phone 1140E saves thenew Call Decline Reason to the list ofCall Decline Reasons for later use.1. Press the Up/Down navigation key toscroll through and highlight the CallDecline Reason to delete.