Graphing switch port data 47Field DescriptionInDiscards The number of inbound packets that were chosento be discarded even though no errors had beendetected to prevent their being deliverable to ahigher-layer protocol. One possible reason fordiscarding such a packet could be to free up bufferspace.OutDiscards The number of outbound packets which werechosen to be discarded even though no errors hadbeen detected to prevent their being transmitted.One possible reason for discarding such a packetcould be to free up buffer space.InErrors For packet-oriented interfaces, the number ofinbound packets that contained errors preventingthem from being deliverable to a higher-layerprotocol. For character-oriented or fixed-lengthinterfaces, the number of inbound transmissionunits that contained errors preventing them frombeing deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.OutErrors For packet-oriented interfaces, the number ofoutbound packets that could not be transmittedbecause of errors. For character-oriented orfixed-length interfaces, the number of outboundtransmission units that could not be transmittedbecause of errors.InUnknownProtos For packet-oriented interfaces, the number ofpackets received via the interface that werediscarded because of an unknown or unsupportedprotocol. For character-oriented or fixed-lengthinterfaces that support protocol multiplexing,the number of transmission units received viathe interface that were discarded becauseof an unknown or unsupported protocol. Forany interface that does not support protocolmultiplexing, this counter will always be 0.—End—Ethernet Errors tabThe Ethernet Errors tab displays read-only information about port Etherneterror statistics.To view the Ethernet Errors tab, follow this procedure:Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 SeriesConfiguration - System MonitoringNN47200-505 03.01 Standard5.1 27 August 2007Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks.