Configuring RMON with the Java Device Manager 99Field DescriptionsMulticastPkts The total number of good packets received that weredirected to a multicast address. Note that this numberdoes not include packets directed to the broadcastaddress.CRCAlignErrors The total number of packets received that had a length(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) ofbetween 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had eithera bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integralnumber of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with anonintegral number of octets (Alignment Error).UndersizePkts The total number of packets received that were lessthan 64 octets long (excluding framing bits but includingFCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.OversizePkts The total number of packets received that were longerthan 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but includingFCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.OversizePkts The total number of packets received that were longerthan 1518 octets (excluding framing bits but includingFCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.Fragments The total number of packets received that were lessthan 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits butincluding FCS octets) and had either a bad FrameCheck Sequence (FCS) with an integral number ofoctets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a nonintegralnumber of octets (Alignment Error). It is entirely normalfor etherStatsFragments to increment because it countsboth runts (which are normal occurrences due tocollisions) and noise hits.Collisions The best estimate of the total number of collisions onthis Ethernet segment.Jabbers The total number of packets received that were longerthan 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but includingFCS octets), and had either a bad Frame CheckSequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCSError) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets(Alignment Error). Jabber is defined as the conditionwhere any packet exceeds 20 ms. The allowed range todetect jabber is between 20 ms and 150 ms.1..64 The total number of packets (including bad packets)that were transmitted and received on this port between1 and 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits butincluding FCS octets).Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 SeriesConfiguration - System MonitoringNN47200-505 03.01 Standard5.1 27 August 2007Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks.