Graphing multilink trunk statistics 63MLT Statistics screen - Interface tabThe following table describes the fields on this tab.Interface tab fieldsField DescriptionInMulticastPkt The number of packets delivered to this MLT thatwere addressed to a multicast address at thissublayer. For a MAC layer protocol, this numberincludes both Group and Functional addresses.OutMulticast The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and that wereaddressed to a multicast address at this MLT,including those that were discarded or not sent.For a MAC layer protocol, this number includesboth Group and Functional addresses.InBroadcastPkt The number of packets delivered to this MLT thatwere addressed to a broadcast address at thissublayer.OutBroadcast The total number of packets that higher-levelprotocols requested be transmitted, and that wereaddressed to a broadcast address at this MLT,including those that were discarded or not sent.HCInOctets The total number of octets received on the MLTinterface, including framing characters.HCOutOctets The total number of octets transmitted out of theMLT interface, including framing characters.HCInUcastPkts The number of packets delivered by this MLT tohigher level protocols that were not addressed to amulticast or broadcast address at this sublayer.Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 SeriesConfiguration - System MonitoringNN47200-505 03.01 Standard5.1 27 August 2007Copyright © 2005 - 2007, Nortel Networks.