Chapter 4 Software Troubleshooting 39BCM50 Troubleshooting GuideTrunk Type PSTN-based lines, VoIP,TargetThere are three main categories of lines:PSTN-based lines: (analog, T1, PRI, BRI)Voice over IP (VoIP) trunks, which connect through the LANor WAN.Target lines, which are internal channels that provide directdial capability.Name alphanumeric characters>Identify the line in a way that is meaningful to your system,such as by the type of line and line pool or the DN it isattached to in the case of target lines.Control Set DN Default: 221 (default StartDN)Enter a telephone DN for a telephone that you want to useto turn service off or on for other telephones using this line.The control telephone must have the line assigned, or mustbe assigned to the line pool the line is in.Tips: External lines and telephones must be programmed to use one of the ScheduledServices: Ringing, Restriction, and Routing Services.For maximum flexibility, Nortel recommends that you create two different controltelephones, one for the lines and one for the telephones.You can turn on a service manually or automatically for all external lines from an assignedcontrol telephone. However, you cannot combine schedules. A service can only be activeas normal service or one of the six schedules at any one time. Several schedules can beactive at one time, but they must use different services.Line Type PublicPrivate to: Pool A to O,BlocA to BlocFDefine how the line is used in relation to other lines in thesystem.• Public line: can be accessed by more than onetelephone.• Private line: can be assigned only to one telephone andthe prime telephone for that line. Enter the internalnumber of the telephone.• Pool A - O (analog and T1 lines) BlocA to BlocF(PRI and VoIP lines): assigns the line to one of the linepools. If a line is assigned to a line pool, but is notassigned to any telephone, that line is available only foroutgoing calls.Bloc line pools must be used in conjunction with routesand destination codes. Target lines cannot be put intoline pools.Prime set DN: NoneAssign a telephone to provide backup answering for callson the line. For an Auto Answer line, calls are redirected ifthe received number is invalid or the target line is busy, andif theIf busy parameter is set To prime.Each line can be assigned only one prime telephone.Table 12 Trunk/Line Data main panel (Sheet 2 of 3)Attribute Value Description