Using the BayStack 350 Series 10/100 Autosense Switch3-82 893-00992-EReset to Default SettingsThe Reset to Default Settings command (accessed from the main menu) allowsyou to reset the BayStack 350 switch and replace all configured switch parameterswith the factory default settings. For a list of the factory default settings, seeAppendix D, “Default Settings.”The Reset to Default Settings command takes approximately five seconds tocomplete. During this time, the switch initiates a self-test that comprises variousdiagnostic routines and subtests. The LEDs display various patterns to indicatethat the subtests are in progress.The results of the self-test are displayed briefly in the Self-Test screen(Figure 3-38), which is followed by the CI screens.Figure 3-38. Self-Test screen after resetting the switch to factory default settingsCaution: If you choose this command, all of your configured settings will bereplaced with factory default settings when you press [Enter].Note: The Self-Test screen remains displayed only if the self-test detects afatal error.BayStack Model 350T Self-TestASIC addressing test ... PassASIC buffer RAM test ... PassPhysical layer test ... PassPort internal loopback test ... PassSelf-test complete.