Getting Started893-00992-E 1-53Quick-Start to Managing the BayStack 350 SwitchIf you are already familiar with managing network devices, you can use theQuick-Start procedures in this section to set up and begin managing the BayStack350 switch. Before you begin these procedures, make sure that the BayStack 350switch has been installed and verified (as described in Chapter 2, “Installing theBayStack 350 Switch”), and that the network cables are attached to the switch.This section describes how to manage the BayStack 350 switch using one of twomethods:• The console/service port interface, using the CI menus and screens• An SNMP management applicationConsole/Service Port InterfaceIf you are managing the BayStack 350 switch using the console/service portinterface, follow these steps:1. Connect a console terminal directly to the BayStack 350 switch console/service port or through a modem connection.The console terminal can be a VT100-compatible terminal or a PC runningVT100 terminal-emulation software (see “Console/Service Port Cabling”on page 3-2).2. Configure the console terminal for 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and1 stop bit.Be sure to set the console terminal to online mode; do not leave it in setupmode.3. Press [Ctrl]+C on the console terminal keyboard.4. The CI main menu opens.For more information about the CI main menu, see “Using the CI Menus andScreens” on page 3-4.Note: The console/service port is configured as a data communicationsequipment (DCE) connector. Ensure that your RS-232 cable pinouts areconfigured for DCE connections (see “DB-9 (RS-232-D) Console/Service PortConnector” on page C-5).