M3900 installation and configuration Page 195 of 504Telephones and Consoles Description, Installation, and OperationAccessory keyingOn the M3903, M3904, and M3905 Digital Telephones there are twoaccessory ports on the back of the telephone footstand. On the M3902, thereis a single accessory port on the back of the footstand. Each port can supportone cartridge accessory.You cannot use two accessories that require the same port type at the sametime. For example, you cannot use two accessories that require a serial portconnection at the same time.The shape and size of the plug in the accessory cartridge prevents the userfrom accidentally connecting incompatible accessories. To check thecompatibility of accessories, refer to Table 23 on page 149, which shows theoptional accessories and their compatibility.Installing the Analog Terminal AdapterThe Analog Terminal Adapter (ATA) allows an off-the-shelf analog device(FAX, modem, or analog [500/2500-type] telephone) to work simultaneouslywith your M3902, M3903, M3904, or M3905 Digital Telephone. The ATA isnot supported on the M3901 telephone.Install the Accessory Connection Module (ACM) into your M3900 SeriesDigital Telephone. Refer to “Installing the Accessory Connection Module”on page 192 before you install your ATA. The ACM provides connectioncapabilities between the M3902, M3903, M3904, and M3905 telephones andthe ATA.Use the Procedure 34 to install the ATA.Procedure 34Installing the ATA1 Disconnect the line cord from the telephone before installing the ATA.2 Insert the ATA accessory cartridge into the ACM. The latch should be atthe top.3 Connect the commercial device you have selected to use, either your FAXmachine, modem, or analog (500/2500-type) telephone, to the connectionon your ATA cartridge interface.