Appendix C: Meridian Modular Telephones add-on modules installation Page 427 of 504Telephones and Consoles Description, Installation, and Operationbe added or replaced. Procedure 78 explains how to install the Data Optionfor the M2317 telephone.Procedure 78Installing the M2317 data option1 Remove the handset, and place the telephone upside down on a levelworkplace (a desktop, for example).2 Disconnect all cords from the telephone.3 Loosen and remove five screws in the base of the telephone, lifting thebase upward.4 If the telephone is not equipped with the ADO, proceed with step 5.If the telephone is equipped with a defective ADO, carefully disconnectthe ribbon cable connector from the header connector in the digital printedcircuit board. Loosen and remove the two self-tapping screws that fastenthe ADO to the telephone base and remove the defective ADO. Proceedwith step 6. See Figure 84 on page 429.5 Remove the breakout section in the rear of the telephone base by tappingit with the handle of a small screwdriver.6 Place the black plastic connector shroud over the RS-232-C interfaceconnector.Note: It is not possible to install the shroud after the board has beeninserted in the telephone base.7 Tip the circuit board up and insert it, connector end first, under the tabs inthe base. Position it over the molded locating pins; then lower the boardcompletely into position in the telephone base. Use the three slotted,self-tapping screws supplied with the board and install them through themounting holes. Tighten the screws.8 Plug the ribbon cable connector into the header connector, located on theexisting circuit board of the telephone (mounted on the faceplateassembly). Only one such connector is located on the telephone’s circuitboard. Make sure the connector is snug.CAUTION WITH ESDS DEVICESCMOS devices inside the telephone can be damagedby electrostatic discharge. Before opening anyM2317 telephone, discharge your hands and tools bytouching any grounded metal surface or conductor.