Chapter 2 SRG50 overview 19SRG50 Configuration GuideSupported devicesThe SRG50 Release 3.0 supports:• IP Phones 1110, 1120E, and 1140E• IP Phone 2001, 2002, 2004, 2007, and 2033• IP Phone Key Expansion Module (KEM) – The IP Phone KEM is supported on anSRG with normal mode IP Phones. It does not function with local mode or test localmode IP Phones.• IP Softphone 2050 v1/v2 and Mobile Voice Client (MVC) 2050• WLAN Handsets 2210, 2211, and 2212• WLAN Handsets 6120 and 6140• WLAN Handsets 1210, 1220, and 1230• Analog (500/2500 type) telephones• Analog devices such as fax machinesNote: Throughout this document, the IP Phones in this list are referred to collectively asIP Phones.The SRG50 is positioned primarily to support IP telephones and clients. However, analog devicescan be supported using analog station modules (ASM), or by using an analog terminal adapter(ATA2) in conjunction with a digital station module (DSM). The SRG50 does not support digitalor ISDN telephones.CS 1000 Adaptive Network Bandwidth Management N/A YesCS 1000 Alternative Call Routing N/A YesCS 1000 Emergency Services Access N/A YesFirmware Download from main office call server N/A Yes (CS 1000 Release 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5)(CS 1000 Release 4.0 requires patchMPLR22418)SRG-specific features for interaction with a mainoffice call server, including: Heartbeat detection ofWAN recovery; IP telephone redirection to mainoffice in Normal Mode; Local Mode IP telephoneinterface; H.323 Gateway to PSTN under control ofmain office call serverN/A YesTable 5 Comparison of BCM50 and SRG50 (Sheet 2 of 2)Item BCM50 SRG50