84 Chapter 8 TroubleshootingNN40140-500NN40140-500IP terminal detailsThe table IP Terminal Details on page 84 summarizes the events that can be raised by the SRG.The events and details appear in Element Manager at Configuration > Telephony > Sets > ActiveSets > IP Terminal Details.Periodic retries may result in the same condition being detected over and over again. In these casesthe SRG state machine uses flags to indicate that a given event has been logged.One-way or no speech paths Signaling between the IP telephones and the SRG uses UDP port 7300.Voice packets are exchanged using the default RTP:Source port (output filters)/Destination port (input filters): 28000 through 28511for the VoIP gateway. Output filter Destination IP is set to ALL. Input filterDestination IP is the IP address of the SRG local gateway.Source port (output filters)/Destination port (input filters): 5200 - 5201 for the IPtelephones. Output Destination IP is set to ALL. Input filter Destination IPs arethe IP range for all IP telephones (behind the firewall) in Normal mode.Source port (output filters)/Destination port (input filters): 51000 - 51184 for thelocal mode IP sets. Destination port (output filter) and Source Port (input filter)are set to ALL. Output Destination IP is set to ALL. Input filter Destination IPsare the IP range for all IP telephones (behind the firewall) in Local mode.UniSTIM signals use specific source and destination ports:Output filters: Source port, 5000; Destination port, 4100, 5100, 7300. Outputfilter Destination IP is the IP address of the main office TPS.Input filters: Source port, 4100, 5100, 7300; Destination port, 5000.Input filterDestination IPs are the IP range for all IP telephones (behind the firewall) inNormal mode.If these ports are blocked by the firewall or NAT, you will experience one-way orno-way speech paths.Firewall note: If the firewall filter is set to Pass Outgoing and Block IncomingExcept IP Phones, this allows only IP telephony registration traffic through, butblocks all other traffic, including H.323 calls on this interface. You must stillspecify an H.323 rule to allow IP call voice traffic.Table 18 IP Terminal Details (Sheet 1 of 2)Details Event Id SeverityCall ServerType CommentsSRG Started 57000 Warning All Indicates that the SRG process has started.SRG Shutdown 57001 Warning All Indicates that the SRG process has shut down.DN:XXX, Test Local Mode 57002 Warning All Test FeatureDN:XXX, Local Mode -Firmware is out of syncwith Main Office CallServer.57003 Warning S1000 Indicates that IP set FW on main office hasbeen upgraded and the required FW version isavailable on the SRGDN:XXX, Local Mode - SetFirmware Upgrade inProgress57004 Warning S1000 The firmware required by the main office isbeing upgraded to the set,Table 17 IP telephone troubleshooting (Sheet 2 of 2)Issue / Problem Probable Cause / Solution