05/16 Rev. 03 USER- / SERVICE MANUAL Info-Printouts & ParametersAP 5.4 Gen II – AP 5.6AP 4.4 – AP 5.4 – AP 7.t64-xx – DPM – PEM – ALX 92x – ALX 73x (PMA)8Operating the parameter menuThe illustrations on the following pages clarifie the operating principle of theparameter menu. The return path shown on the left of the screen, called upusing the Prog. button, also applies for parameters in the middle of thescreen.Setting values The setting of a parameter always follows this scheme:1. Select the parameter.2. Press the Online button.3. Set the parameter to the intended value by pressing the Cut or Feed button.4. Confirm by pressing the Online button.ExampleSetting the parameter PRINT PARAMETERS > Material type to punched material.1. Press prog button.2. Press prog button.3. Press cut button.4. Press online button.5. Press cut button repeatedly, until the following is displayed:6. Press feed button.7. Press online button.8. Press prog button 2x.OFFLINE 0 JOBS Initial state: off-line modePRINT INFOPRINT PARAMETERSPRINT PARAMETERSPrint speedFirst parameter in the PRINT PARAMETERS menu.Material typeEndlessMaterial typePunchedSetting the parameter to the intended value bypressing the Cut or Feed button.PRINT PARAMETERSMaterial typeConfirm with Online button.OFFLINE 0 JOBS "Way back" by pressing the Prog button.