05/16 Rev. 03 USER- / SERVICE MANUAL Info-Printouts & ParametersAP 5.4 Gen II – AP 5.6AP 4.4 – AP 5.464-xx – DPM – PEM – ALX 92x – ALX 73x (PMA)56Printer ID No.64-xx ALX 92x DPM PEM ALX 73x (PMA) AP 4.4 AP 5.4 AP 5.6Printer identification numberDetermines the identification number of the printer. In such a way, the printercan be addressed by the Easy Plug command #!An (n=printer ID).The use of ID numbers is in particular reasonable for data transfer by RS422/485 interface, if several printers are connected by one data line. Each of theconnected printers then only incorporates the data mapped to him by #!Ancommand.xx Setting range: 0 to 31; Unit interval: 1Spooler size64-xx ALX 92x DPM PEM ALX 73x (PMA) AP 4.4 AP 5.4 AP 5.6The memory capacity of the printer buffer can be set according to the require-ments of each customer.xxx Kbyte Unit interval: 16-2048 kBytes; step width: 16 kBytes; default setting:64 kBytesUnit interval: 16-256 kBytes; step width: 16 kBytes; default setting: 64 kBytesOffline mode64-xx ALX 92x DPM PEM ALX 73x (PMA) AP 4.4 AP 5.4 AP 5.6Interf. disabled Easy-Plug commands are not accepted, while the machine is in offline mode(default setting).Interf. enabled Easy-Plug commands are accepted in offline mode.Interface delay64-xx ALX 92x DPM PEM ALX 73x (PMA) AP 4.4 AP 5.4 AP 5.6 Only visible, if INTERFACE PARA >EASYPLUGINTERPR > Offline mode = „Interf.enabled“After switching from online to offline mode, the printer interface is deactivat-ed. This parameter offers a setable delay time before deactivating the inter-face.xxxx ms Setting range: 0-1000; Unit interval: 100; Default setting: 0