05/16 Rev. 03 USER- / SERVICE MANUAL Info-Printouts & ParametersAP 5.4 Gen II – AP 5.6AP 4.4 – AP 5.464-xx – DPM – PEM – ALX 92x – ALX 73x (PMA)673. Insert into the address field:http://[IP address without leading zeros]Example: IP address = Click „Login“.5. Type in user name (admin) and password (admin).If the login was successful, you will find the following menu items at the leftwindow margin:On Switches the web server on.Off Switches the web server off.WEB display refr(WEB display refresh)64-xx ALX 92x DPM PEM ALX 73x (PMA) AP 5.4 AP 5.6 Only appears, if INTERF.PARAM > NETWORK PARAM. > Time client = „On“.Automatic updating of the web browser display. The setting determines thetime in seconds between two updates. Setting 0 = „no automatic updating“.xx s Setting range: 0 to 20; Default setting: 5Menu item FunctionHome Jump to the home pageLogout Interrupt the connection to the printerParameter Opens the parameter menu. By clicking on submenus andparameters, those can be opened and the parameter setttingsbe changed. Some parameters force the printer to reset, if theirsetting is modified by means of the operation panel. If theparameters are changed via the web server, this doesn´thappen automatically. Therefore, the modifications onlybecome effective after the next printer restart. A restartcan be triggered remote in the „Display view“.Display view Opens the display operation panel. Enables remote operationof the printer.Download Opens another browser window with the URL of the FTP ser-ver. For more information read the description ofINTERFACE PARA > NETWORK PARAM. > FTP server.Help Help texts[6] Functions of the web server.