06/15 Rev. 6.01-01 USER + SERVICE MANUAL /Using the DocumentationAll devices4Subject section Thematically-related subject contents are described in each topic section. Atopic section is the smallest unit of information with its own– page numbering,– header bar,– list of contents,– index,– device classification and– its own revision status.Subject sections form the basis of the manual. A topic section can besimultaneously assigned to several manuals. Subject sections are in one, insome cases two, languages.Fig. 1 Example: First page of topic section "Using the Documentation"Manual A manual is composed of different topic sections. The following featurescharacterize a manual:– Title page with a list of contents, device classification and revision status(see Fig. 1).– The list of contents contains the designations of the topic sections andalso serves as a link distributor to these topic sections.– The contents of a manual refer to a certain device, a device family or anoption (documentation object).– A manual is assigned to a certain language and only contains topicsections in this language.– A manual is assigned to a certain user group. There are ServiceManuals (mainly for the Service), User Manuals (mainly for the user) andjust Manuals (for Service and user).11/14 Rev. 5.08-01All devicesUsing the DocumentationCopyright ........................................................ 2Documentation structure ................................ 3Datapool, documentation object ................. 3Documentation concept.............................. 3Documentation format ................................ 6Printing the documentation ............................ 7Navigation aids .............................................. 8Symbols and note signs ................................. 9Warning notes ............................................ 9Symbols ................................................... 10Text appearance .......................................10Title page ..................................................11Abbreviations ................................................12Printer names............................................12Parameters ...............................................13Index .............................................................14CAUTION!Read the user manual before operating the device for the first time.The user manual is an essential part of the device it belongs to.The user manual is to be stored at the machine operating location andmade accessible to the operator.