Machine Manager Setting 17VarioPrint 1105 17-77Specify the settings for an e-mail send/receive, division for transmitted dataand authentication, and save the template of titles and bodies frequentlyused. For details, refer to “08 E-Mail” on page 17-102.Specific setting and Description Setting options (highlighted: de-fault)08 E-MailE-Mail Send SettingE-Mail SendSpecify to use e-mail transmission.On/OffSMTP Server AddressSpecify the address of the server that is used for e-mail transmission. 255 characters combiningsymbols and alphanumerics canbe used.Port No.Specify the port number. 1 - 65535 (25)Connection Time Out TimeSpecify the time out duration. 30 - 300 seconds (60)Binary DivisionSpecify to use binary division for transmitted data. On/OffBinary Division SizeSpecify the size by which to divide transmitted data. 1 - 150 (x100 Kb) (5)E-Mail Send Maximum SizeSpecify to set the maximum size for e-mail trans-mission.0(Off) - 100Mb (0)Authentication Setting POP before SMTPSpecify to use the POP before SMTP authentica-tion. Specify as required in your own environment.On/OffAuthentication Setting SMTP Authentication *1Specify to use the SMTP authentication. Specify asrequired in your own environment.On/OffPOP before SMTPSpecify the duration used for POP before SMTP. 0 - 60 seconds (0)SMTP Auth. User NameSpecify a user name if Authentication SettingSMTPAuthentication is set toOn.Max. 63 characters combiningsymbols and alphanumerics canbe used.PasswordSpecify a password.Max. 15 characters combiningsymbols and alphanumerics canbe used.RealmSpecify a realm (domain name). If the SMTP serverwith which to communicate supports DIGEST-MD5,this field must be entered.Max. 255 characters combiningsymbols and alphanumerics canbe used.Machine Manager Mail AddressSpecify the e-mail address of the Machine Manag-er.Max. 250 characters combiningsymbols and alphanumerics canbe used.