Introduction 11Available documentationThe Océ VarioPrint ® 2100/2110 documentation setInformation for operators, key operators, system administratorsOcÈ delivers the OcÈ VarioPrint Æ 2100/2110 with a documentation set.The documentation set for the OcÈ VarioPrintÆ 2100/2110 contains thefollowing items:[2] The Documentation SetItem DescriptionUser's Manual The user's manual describes the workflow of print jobs,copy jobs and scan jobs.■ Print from the mailbox■ Print directly to the OcÈ VarioPrint Æ 2100/2110■ Make simple and advanced copies■ Convert analog documents into digital documents(scan-to-file)■ Adding Supplies■ Solving possible errorsThe manual also contains general information about thesystem.■ Configuration, workflow and structure of the OcÈVarioPrint Æ 2100/2110■ Turn on, turn off and restart the system■ Product specifications, originals and copy materialsto useSafety manual The multilingual safety manual provides informationabout safety issues.■ Instructions for safe use■ Safety data sheets■ EPA Energy StarÆ