Getting to Know the Océ VarioPrint® 2100/2110 83The jobs in the 'Mailbox' and 'Memory' contain the following information.[32] Presentation of the Jobs in the 'Mailbox' and 'Memory'[32] Presentation of the Jobs in the 'Mailbox' and 'Memory''Move to memory'The option 'Move to memory' is available in the job queue manager. Thisoption allows you to move a job that was not yet started from the job queue tothe memory.A job that is moved to the 'Memory' is treated as if a new job is added to the'Memory'. You can change the properties of the job.You can use the move-to-memory function for example to save a job for lateruse or to use the extra editing options from the memory.Description Job in the 'Mailbox' Job in the 'Memory'Graphic information A check mark when thejob is completedA check mark when thejob is completed'Document' or 'Iden-tifier'Document name to iden-tify the documentNumber to identify thedocument'User' Name of the user whosent the document to themailboxNot available'Pages' The number of originals The number of originals'Prints' The number of prints The number of prints'Paper' A description of the me-dia type used for the jobA description of the me-dia type used for the job'Submitted' The date and time of thejob submissionThe date and time of thejob submission