216 Océ VarioPrint ® 2100/2110 User's ManualThe Accounting Log FileAbout the accounting log fileIntroductionInformation for system administratorsAn accounting log file consists of data records. The data records containinformation about the use of the OcÈ VarioPrint Æ 2100/2110. For each job onthe OcÈ VarioPrintÆ 2100/2110, a new data record is added to the currentaccounting log file. Each data record in an accounting log file contains 53fields.The first record of an accounting log file is the header record. This record actsas the heading of a table. The header record always starts with 4300. Everysubsequent data field starts with 4301. Records of type 4301 hold the actualaccounting information for each job.The OcÈ Smart Imager stores all the jobs into a temporary accounting log file(.acl file). Every night at midnight, the system converts this information into apermanent accounting log file (.csv file). At the same time, a new temporaryaccounting log file is created that remains active for 24 hours.You can download the .csv file. Then you can import the file into, for example,MicrosoftÆ Excel or MicrosoftÆ Access.The following table describes the fields of the data records in an accountinglog file.Note: The OcÈ Smart Imager can store a maximum of 99 accounting log files.The oldest file is removed when the limit is reached.