Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel3-14Using Proof-and-HoldWhen you print multiple copies, this mode first prints one copyso that you can proof it before continuing to print the remain-ing copies. Since you can proof the printouts before printingthe remaining copies, wastage of paper can be reduced.The printer prints one copy and, at the same time, saves theprint job on the hard disk. You can also change the number ofcopies when resuming printing from the operator panel.When the printer is turned off, all stored jobs will be deleted.Printing Remaining Copies of a Proof and Hold JobPrinting a Proof-and-Hold job on the operator panel is similarto printing a quick copy job. To print remaining copies of a jobheld in the printer:Printing a Private Print/Job RetentionIn private printing, you can specify that a job is not printeduntil you release the job from the operator panel. When send-ing the job from the application software, you can specify a 4-digit access code in the printer driver. The job is released forprinting by entering the access code on the operator panel.Thus, this function ensures confidentiality of the print job.In the job retention mode, access codes are not mandatory,but can be set on the printer driver if printing with the PINsecurity is required. Then, the access code must be entered onthe operator panel to print a stored job. Print data will bestored in the hard disk/RAM disk after printing.See KXPrinter Drivers Operation Guide for the driver settings.Releasing a Private/Stored JobPress the MENU key.Press the U or V key repeatedly until e-MPS > ap-pears.Press the Z key.Press the U or V key repeatedly until >Private/Stored appears. The name entered in the printerdriver (Harold, in this example) also appears.Press the ENTER key. A blinking question mark (?)appears before the user name.Press the U or V key to display the desired username (Arlen, in this example).Press the ENTER key. The user name and the jobname (Agenda, in this example) entered in the print-er driver appear with a blinking question mark (?).Press the U or V key to display the desired job title.Press the ENTER key. The ID input line appears.Enter the four-digit access code entered in the print-er driver and press the ENTER key. To enter the ID,Press the Y or Z key to move the cursor to the num-ber to be changed and then enter the correct numberby pressing the U or V key.You can set the number of copies to be printed. To in-crease the copy count, press the U key; to decreasethe copy count, press the V key.Press the ENTER key to finalize the copy count. Theprinter prints the specified number of copies for thejob.Deleting a Private/Stored JobYou can individually delete stored jobs by performing the fol-lowing procedure. Jobs saved using Private Print will be au-tomatically deleted if you turn the power off after printing,but jobs saved using Stored Job will not be deleted automati-cally.Follow steps 1 through 8 in the above section.When the title of the job to be printed is displayed(Agenda, in this example), press the ENTER key. En-ter the four-digit access code entered in the printerdriver and press the ENTER key.e-MPS >>Private/StoredHarold>Private/Stored?Harold12345>Private/Stored?Arlen>Arlen?Agenda>AgendaID 0000>AgendaCopies 001>AgendaCopies 0016789101112