-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ml182/183 _______________ _ -Here's the result:PERIOD JAN FEB MROl IlPRIl MAY .JlI£ JIJ.. Y IlOO sePT OCT r«JV DECIr«:!»I£ 2200 21SO 2325 2500 1800 2000 2200 220D 2375 21>00 2100 1900IIlRT6A6ElIT1L.- 365160.8338S124.538548.!1238S54.5638S65.836575.1>738S78.2938S88.8138S49.8438S87.338S9238S10'1.2621. 5 19.75 15.75 18.82 14.62 13.57 18.93 18.92 18.02 12.92 18.38 J;.'lo\FOOl) 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180CLOTHllE- 12075.512075.512075.512075.512075.512075.512075.512075.512075.512015.512015.512075.5Notes:Entering" allows you to insert control codes that will besent to the printer. OF, preceded by H, is the hexadecimalcode that programs the printer to change to condensedtype. Because condensed printing fits more characters on aline, we can change the lower right coordinates so that 13columns are printed. With condensed printing, this will stillfit on standard 8- 1/2" width paper.Multiple Control CodesYou can use the SETUP option to send more than one codeto the printer. This means that you can specify those printing features that require more than one code, such asdouble-width printing, and you can combine featureslike printing in condensed type at 8 lines per inch. Eachindividual code number must be preceded by AH.In this example, we're going to print at 8.5 cpi and 8 linesper inch.Notes:This kind of printing requires three sets of control codes:the code sequence for condensed print (17.1 cpi), the sequence to double the width to 8.5 cpi, and the code sequence for eight lines per inch. We've printed them onseparate lines in our example so that you can more easilysee what's going on, but you should type them in a string,and then press the ENTER key.-------84