This uset' tip will desct'ibe how to use the QIiJDATA ML182-1 andSOt'cim's SuperWriter Vet'. 1. 03. This paragraph is being pt'intedin 10 cpi.This paragraph is being printed at 17.1 cpi. Note that the left and right llargins do not have to be reset ifthe character pitch is changed. In fact, it is possible to change the character pitch several in asingle line.The ML182-I is capable of c:::- h <=II. F, ga single line. SuperWriter 1.03 willLEFT <=II.F.d RIGHT rnat'g i nshave to reset them.This is 10 cpi or 17. I cpi. Don't forget that WI DE MODEavai lable. Well, back to 10 cpi pitch:i F, g character pitch in >""Cautomatically adjust the ""Cso that the uset' does not mZo><i s C::Jsize.(Jlo"T'I-l~>~mZo-lm(Jl....;....;w