MU82/183 ________________________________ __-ExamplesThe following examples show test WordStar files and theresu Iti ng pri ntouts, They ill ustrate the featu res patched illthe preceding procedures, These examples apply to all versions of WordSta r,This WordStat~ file will test the features in our samplepatch. Right now the prInter is in utility mode, whIchis good for rough drafts and situations where printingspeed is important. -WThis prints in AYdouble widthAy (5 CPI). AnythIng thatdoesn't fit prints on the next line which alsothrows off the page length. ~E Now we're back to 10 CPl.See the next example for how to correct this.--'QThis is beiYtg priYltedautomatically switchespriYlt is c3Ylcelled.Intocoy,deYlsed type. The pr~iy,terUtilIty Mode until conden~;edWWhen the de,uble width code 15condensed pt'iYlt cc,de, the result'fll:q· ... rna 1 S 1 :;:: e.combiYled with theis 8.5 CPI.~E Back toPica, ~·Wdouble width, 'Qdouble condensed, ~E'~Q and condensed.-EXAMPLE 1 File---106