__________ CHAPTER 3 PROGRAMMINGNotice that there is a space between each pair of lines. This isbecause the standard distance from the top of one line to the top ofthe next is 1/6 inch, but a column of graphics is only 1/9 inch high(8 dots x 1/72 inch per dot = 8/72 inch=1/9 inch). To print a continuous image with no gaps between the lines, you must use the ESCA command to change line height to 8/72 inch and ESC 2 to activatethe change (see page 47). Add these lines:;;l~~;iLpRUNT CH (65);¢~R$(arl:¥cii)'lPRI'NT CH (50)The modified program now looks like this:05 'SAMPLE206 WIDTH "LPT1:",25510 N DOTS = 25612 'MAXIMUM POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS15 LPRI NT CH R$(27);CH R$(65);CH R$(8)18 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(50)25 FOR J = 1 TO 430 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(75);CHR$(NDOTS MOD 256);CHR$(FIX (NDOTS/256»;40 'START GRAPHICS 256 COLUMNS50 FOR I=OTO NDOTS-160 LPRINT CHR$(I);70 NEXT I73 LPRINT:REM LINE FEED75 NEXT J73