B4400/4500/4550/4600 User’s Guide26• Interrupting data processing when the printer isreceiving and processing data.• Resuming data processing.The secondary functions of the OnLine button are activatedafter turning the printer off line, then pressing and holding theswitch for at least two seconds before releasing. Thesecondary functions are as follows:• Printing the demo and menu pages.NOTE: Demo and menu pages can also be printed usingthe printer Status Monitor• Printing any data held in the buffer after printing hasbeen cancelled.The other functions of the OnLine button are activated afterturning the printer off line then pressing and holding the switchfor at least five seconds before releasing. The other functionsare as follows:• Printing a cleaning page.NOTE: A Cleaning page can also be printed using the printerStatus Monitor.• Resetting the printer and clearing the buffer afterprinting has been cancelled.NOTE: To reset the printer to the factory default settings,press the OnLine button and hold it down while the printer isturned on. The LED indicators blink when the printer has resetto the default settings.B4400 Status MonitorAfter installing the printer driver software, the Status Monitoris then installed to indicate what is happening to the printerwhen it is being used. (See the chapter entitled “PrinterDrivers.”) This Status Monitor is also used to control andchange the various printer settings.Using the Printer Status MonitorViewing the status of the printer, and viewing or changing theprinter settings are carried out as follows: