B4400/4500/4550/4600 User’s Guide8About this manualThis manual has been written using more than one printer asa model and the illustrations/screenshots reflect this. Whatyou see will be appropriate to the model you are using.Online usageThis manual is intended to be read on screen using an AdobeAcrobat Reader. Use the navigation and viewing tools providedin Acrobat.You can access specific information in two ways:• In the list of bookmarks down the left hand side of yourscreen, click on the topic of interest to jump to therequired topic. (If the bookmarks are not available, usethe Table of Contents.)• In the list of bookmarks click on Index to jump to theIndex. (If the bookmarks are not available, use the Tableof Contents.) Find the term of interest in thealphabetically arranged index and click on the associatedpage number to jump to the page containing the subject.Printing PagesThe whole manual, Individual pages, or sections may beprinted. The procedure is:1. From the toolbar, select [File], then [Print] (or press theCtrl + P keys).2. Choose which pages you wish to print:• [All pages], for the entire manual.