B4400/4500/4550/4600 User’s Guide38PPR EmulationThis menu controls the printer’s PPR emulation.PPR MENUItem Value RemarksPITCH 10 CPI*, 12 CPI,17 CPI, 20 CPI,PROPSpecifies character pitch.CONDENSE 12 to 20*12 to 12Specifies 12 CPI pitch for CondenseMode.CHAR SET SET-2*SET-1Specified character set.SYMBOL IBM-437* Specifies symbol set.LETTER O DISABLE*ENABLESpecifies the style that replaces f(9B) and ¥ (9D) with f (ou) and 0(zero).ZERO CHR NORMAL*SLASHEDSpecifies the style of 0 (zero).LN PITCH 6 LPI*8 LPISets line space.WHITE PAGE SKIP OFF*ONSet to eject a blank sheet. Availableonly when simplex is set.CR FUNC CR*CR+LFSets operation when CR code isreceived.LF FUNC LF*LF+CRSets operation when LF code isreceived.LINE LENG 80 COL*136 COLSpecifies the number of charactersper line.FORM LENG LETTER*A412 INCHSpecifies the length of paper.TOF POS 0.0 INCH*0.1 INCH1.0 INCHSets the position from the top edgeof paper.L MRGN 0.0 INCH*0.1 INCH1.0 INCHSets the amount to shift thehorizontal print start position to theright.FIT TO LTR DISABLE*ENABLESets the printing mode that can fitprint data, equivalent to 11 inches(66 lines), in the LETTER sizeprintable area.TEXT HGT SAME*DIFFSets height of a character.SAME: Regardless of CPI, sameheight.DIFF: According to CPI, characterheights vary.