44 - C130n User’s GuideETHERNET(cont.)ENABLEAUTO IPSettings YES/NOSelect whether or not the IPv4address is automatically acquiredwhen DHCP/BOOTP and PING, ARPare not functioning or when there isno response.If YES is selected, the IP address isautomatically acquired.If NO is selected, the IP address isnot automatically acquired.IPV6 ENABLE Settings YES/NOIf YES is selected, IPv6 is enabled.If NO is selected, IPv6 is disabled.IDENTIFIER Displays the Link-Local address.ENABLEAUTOSettings YES/NOIf YES is selected, auto configurationof IPv6 is enabled.If NO is selected, auto configurationof IPv6 is disabled.GLOBALPREFIXDisplays the global address.IPSERVICESENABLEHTTPSettings YES/NOIf YES is selected, HTTP is enabled.If NO is selected, HTTP is disabled.DISABLEFILTERSSettings YES/NOIf YES is selected, filter is enabled.If NO is selected, filter is disabled.DISABLEIPSECSettings YES/NOIf YES is selected, IPsec is enabled.If NO is selected, IPsec is disabled.Interface MenuNote All factory default values are shown in bold.Downloaded From ManualsPrinter.com Manuals