OVERLAYS AND MACROS > 161PRINTING WITH POSTSCRIPT OVERLAYSOnce you have defined your overlays you are ready to use them for anydocuments you wish. The example illustrated here uses two overlaysfor business letters. The first prints on just the top page, and thesecond prints on any or all subsequent pages.1. Prepare your document in the normal way using your ownapplication software. Remember, if necessary, to format thedocument so that it will fit within the appropriate space.2. Open your application’s Print… dialogue and choose anyoptions you will require, ensuring that the target printer is yourPostScript printer driver in which the overlays have beendefined.3. Click the Properties button to open the Printing Preferenceswindow.4. On the Overlays tab, chooseUse Overlay from the drop-down list (1).5. Click on the first overlay (2)you wish to use. In thisexample it is the Cover Pageoverlay. Then click the Addbutton (3).6. If you want to use anotheroverlay, in this case it is theContinuation page, click the second overlay (4) and then clickthe Add button (3) again.7. When you have selected all the overlays you want to use forthis document, click OK.8. Finally, in your application’s print dialogue, click OK to beginprinting.1324