PRINTER SETTINGS IN WINDOWS > 24PRINTING SECURE DOCUMENTSSecure documents stored on the printer’s hard disk may be printed ineither of two ways:> From the printer’s operator panel;or…> From your PC desktop, using the Storage DeviceManager utility supplied on CD1 (Drivers and Utilities)with the printer.Printing from the operator panel1. Press the + button to access the Print Jobs menu.2. Press ENTER to select this menu.3. Use the +/– buttons to display the first digit of your PIN, andthen press ENTER to enter this digit. Repeat this procedure foreach of the four digits.4. Use the +/– buttons to display each of your stored securedocuments in turn, or to select all documents. When therequired selection is displayed, press ENTER to print thedocument(s).5. If you have only selected a single document to print, thedisplay will prompt you for the number of collated copies youwish to print (default is 1 copy). Use the +/– buttons to choosethe number of copies you want and press ENTER to beginprinting.After a short pause the selected document will print. Whenprinting is complete the document will automatically bedeleted from the printer’s hard disk.READYATTENTIONBACKMENUENTERON LINECANCEL