WINDOWS 9X DIFFERENCES > 35SECURE PRINTING FEATUREWith this feature you can send confidential documents to print andhave them stored in the printer until you are ready to print them.Documents sent in this way are protected by a PIN (personalidentification number), which must be entered before they will print.This is useful when you need to print confidential documents on aprinter which is shared with, or accessible to, other people.SENDING THE DOCUMENT TO PRINTFrom your application’s Print dialogue, select your printing choices inthe normal way, and then click the Properties button.PCL Emulation1. In the driver window, onthe Job Options tab, selectSecure Print (1).2. In the small pop-upwindow which appears,enter a name for this printjob (16 charactersmaximum) and a 4-digitPIN using any combinationof digits from 0 to 9, andclick OK.3. Click OK again to close thedriver window, and again to close your application’s Printdialogue.NOTEWith both PS and PCL drivers, this feature requires the optional internalhard disk to be fitted and enabled in the Start/Settings/Printers/Properties/Device options dialogue.1