Configuring your machine.... > 49Mono-PrintSpeedAUTO SPEEDMONO 32PPMCOLOR SPEEDMIXED SPEEDIf the first page of a print job is blackand white, the MFP runs at 32ppm(pages per minute). When a colourpage is detected the MFP slows down to20ppm for the rest of that job.This setting operates in the same wayas AUTO SPEED, except that the MFPruns at 32ppm until a colour page isdetected. To achieve this speed the MFPrequires an additional 10 – 20 secondsto warm up and 30 –60 seconds to cooldown when switching to 20ppm forcolour pages. This setting is thereforemost appropriate when the majority ofprint jobs are entirely black and white.The MFP runs at 20ppm for all printjobs. This setting is most appropriatewhen the majority of print jobs are incolour.The MFP automatically switchesbetween 20ppm for each colour pageand 32ppm for each black and whitepage. When black and white pages areprinted, the 3 colour drums areautomatically lifted to maximize theirworking life. This operation imposesdelay each time the MFP switchesbetween colour and black and whiteprinting. However, the 30 –60 secondcool down delay described for MONO32ppm is avoided by limiting monospeed to 20ppm. This setting may bepreferred for mostly black and whiteprinting with some colour pages, orwhere most print jobs are entirelycolour or entirely black and white.Orientation PORTRAITLANDSCAPESelects default page orientationbetween portrait (tall) and landscape(wide).Lines Per Page 5-64-128 Sets the number of lines of text perpage when raw text is received fromsystems other than Windows. Thedefault for A4 portrait is 65, and forLetter is 60.ITEM CHOICE DESCRIPTION