Printer Control Panel SettingsNote: This section deals only with additional settings requiredfor Finisher usage. Refer to your printer User’s Guide forother control panel and printer driver settings such aspaper source, type and size.For details on making settings at the printer control panel, referto your printer User’s Guide. For detailed instructions on how toset these items, refer to “Checking the Finisher Settings” onpage 12.The functions associated with the Finisher that are available onthe printer control panel are accessed via:• The PRINT MENU• The USAGE MENUPRINT MENU optionsNote: Settings made from an application via the printer driveroverride the following settings.OutputBinDefines where to eject paperStandard bin Ejects to printer face downstacker at the top of theprinter (default setting)Option bin 1 Ejects to Finisher face upstackerOption bin 2 Ejects to Finisher face downstackerPunching Enables or disables punchingOff Disables punching (defaultsetting)On Enables punching