paper (1).b. Hold down the Loop Guide (4) and remove the paper (1).Raising the Finisher Guide (3) may make the paper removaleasier.Locations 363 and 364a. Hold up the Finisher Guide (1) andcarefully remove the Chip Box (2).(You can empty the Chip Box whenyou have removed it.)b. Open the Staple cover (3).c. Rotate the blue knob (4)located in the Finisher Guidein the direction of the arrowand remove the paper when itappears.d. Raise and hold the blueGuide Plate (5) in the Fin-isher Guide and remove thepaper.e. Raise and hold the FinisherGuide (1) and refit the ChipBox.f. Close the Staple Cover (3).!12343135