40959201TX Rev.1 56 /e) Out of range:• If n1 or n2 = 0 then the current margin setting is used.• If n2 exceeds the default range n2 shall be converted to the default value.10 CPI 12CPI 15CPI 17.1CPI 20CPIML381 Turbo 136 163 204 233 255ML380 Turbo 80 96 120 137 160(f) Additional details:• The default value of the left margin is the first character.• The margin settings are absolute. Changes in character pitch do not affect marginthe position.• n1 n2 indicates the left and right edges of printable area. For example ifn1 = 10, n2 = 100, the printable area is from the 10th column to the 100th column:91 characters are printable.13) Auto justification(a) Code: ESC a n(b) Compatibility: EPSON LQ(c) Function:The text position/alignment will be set according to one of the four given modesassigned by n. (n is Binary value.)(d) Range:n Justification00H Left01H Center02H Right03H Full(f) Additional details:• n = 0 Left justification is the default or standard format, in which the left marginis even and the right margin is not.• n = 1 The centering command centers a line of text between the margins. Thiscommand is used for headings titles and captions.• n = 2 Right justification is the opposite of left justification. The right margin is evenand the left is not.• n =3 Full justification puts extra spaces where necessary so that both the left andright margins are even.• Full justification (n = 3) is performed when data exceeding 75% of printablecharacters in a line is received at the time of print start.• BS, DEL, HT is invalid when auto justification is used except when n = 0.• Print position will be affected by the commands which set the left/right margin.Note: When using full auto justification, use carriage return at the end of paragraphs only,not at the end of each line of text.