40959201TX Rev.1 105 /8) Select aspect ratio(a) Code: ESC n Pn(b) Compatibility: IBM PPR(c) Function:• Sets vertical-to-horizontal ratio in density of bit image graphics.(d) Range:Pn = 0 – 1 Sets aspect ratio 5:6 in bit image graphics mode.Pn = 2 Sets aspect ratio 1:1 in bit image graphics mode.Pn ≥ 3 Data up to ESC n Pn is dumped.(e) Additional details:• This command is active to four commands including ESC K, ESC L, ESC Y andESC Z.9) Select graphics mode(a) Code: ESC ( G Ln Hn Pn(b) Compatibility: EPSON LQ(c) Function:Set raster graphics mode.(d) Range:Ln 0 ~ 255 (FFH)Pn 1, 31HHn 0 ~ 255 (FFH)Ln + Hn × 256 = 0 Makes this command invalid.Ln + Hn × 256 = 0 >1• When received Pn is in valid range, data that follows is treated as data in rastergraphics mode.• When received Pn is not in valid range, this command becomes invalid and datathat follows is treated as character data or function data.10) Set/Reset graphics mode(a) Code: ESC DLE G Pno Pn(b) Compatibility: EPSON LQ(c) Function:Set/Reset raster graphics mode.(d) Range:Pno = 0 Makes this command invalid.Pno = 1 Makes the Pn data valid.Pno > 1 Makes the Pn data valid and data that follows are treated accordingto Pno and then discarded.Pn = odd Set raster graphics mode.Pn = even Reset raster graphics mode.