373ENMenu itemsRec MenuMic SenseYou can switch between two microphonesensitivities to meet recording needs: [Dictation] fororal dictation and [Conference] which is suited forsituations like meetings and conferences with a smallnumber of people.[Conference]:High-sensitivity mode that records sounds in alldirections.[Dictation]:Low-sensitivity mode suited for dictation.• The setting status will appear on the display as[ ] or [ ].Rec ModeThe recording mode can select [DSS Pro QP] (QualityPlayback) or [DSS Pro SP] (Standard Playback).• You cannot select the [DSS Pro QP] mode whensetting the recorder to the DSS Classic mode.For details, see “ Recording” in the “Customizingthe recorder ” (☞ P.44).VCVAThe VCVA feature extends recording time andconserves memory by stopping recording duringsilent periods, which helps the playback to be moreefficient. When the microphone senses that soundshave reached a preset threshold volume level, thebuilt-in Variable Control Voice Actuator (VCVA) startsrecording automatically, and stops when the volumedrops below the threshold level.1 Select [On].2 Move the slide switch to the REC ( s )position to start recording.File MenuPriorityBy default, F2 button is programmed with Priorityfunction. The setting can also be performed fromthe menu.You can set a priority level on each file recorded. Youcan select “High” or “Normal”. The default is Normallevel.[Set]:High level.[Cancel]:Normal level.• Each time the F2 (PRIORITY ) button is pressedthe Priority level will change (High/Normal).PendingWhen you set [Pending] to the file, the file becomes“Pending file”. If “Download file” is set to “Finishedfile” by ODMS software, the [Pending] file is nottransferred and only [Finished] file (edited file) willbe transferred to your PC.[Pending]:Sets to a file of “Editing” and [ ] will appear onthe display.[Finished]:Sets to a file of “already edited”.File LockThe File lock function allows you to preventimportant files from being accidentally erased.[On]:Locks the file and prevents it from being erased.[ ] will appear on the display.[Off ]:Unlocks the file and allows it to be erased.Work TypeThe Work Type information of the recorded oruploaded files can be edited with the menu settingsof the recorder.For details, see “ Editing the Work Typeinformation” (☞ P.40).Menu itemsInformationThe recorder can display a variety of informationrelated to the current file.