108because the harmonics generated from the clipping action create added artifacts and workload in the encoder. Theseare especially annoying at high frequencies.There are tradeoffs in how each of these peak controllers sound when they are set to produce added loudness. Whena clipper is pushed, the audio may sound edgier. This is from the added harmonic content. In contrast, the look-ahead limiter will sound busier, or denser, when more limiting is applied.Final Limiter (Bypass, Engage)The final Limiter stage can be bypassed to minimize the delay time through the unit if desired.When engaged, the Final Limiter adds 2.7 ms of delay.Please note that when bypassed, short, higher-level signal peaks will be passed through to theoutput that would otherwise have been removed by the Final Limiter. Ensure that there is enoughheadroom in the equipment following the Omnia.ONE or reduce the Omnia.ONE’s output level asneeded to prevent clipping of the output or overloading the input of the equipment following theOmnia.ONE.DriveThe Drive control controls the depth of final limiting. The amount of gain-reduction occurring inthe final limiter can be monitored on the Process metering bargraph screen. Note, however, thatthis meter cannot show extremely fast action in the limiter, so your ear must be the final judge.<-ExitClick on this option to return to the Adjust Processing submenu.<-Exit Click on this option to return to the Processing menu.Input/OutputThis submenu provides level adjustments for the audio inputs and the absolute peak operating level of the AnalogXLR, Composite MPX (FM Style Only), AES-3 (AES/EBU) and Livewire outputs. Choices governing the selectionof the input audio source (Analog, AES Digital or Livewire) and signal mode (Stereo or Mono) are also found here.There is also a setting to disable Livewire if needed.These I/O settings are generally “set once and forget” parameters, usually adjusted during initial installation andthen left alone. These I/O settings are not saved with a processing preset but can be saved, loaded, deleted orrenamed as “I/O Configurations” using options available in this submenu.Mtr Select (Meter Select)Selects whether the Input levels, Analog Out (analog output) levels, AES Out (AES/EBUoutput) levels or LW Out (Livewire output) levels are displayed on the front panel L & R (Left &Right channel) LED bargraph meters.InputThere are eleven controls under the heading “Input” and each will be explained in the order inwhich they appear in the menu:<-ExitClick on this option to return to the Input/Output menu.