47-To delete a character... Select the character to be deleted, click, choose the " < " symbol and clickagain to delete that character. Characters can only be deleted one at a time.-To insert a character between 2 existing characters... Select the character just after where the newcharacter is to be inserted, click, choose the " ^ " symbol and click again. The new characterappears. Now rotate the knob to select the desired character for it and click to accept. (Note thatthis inserts a new character before the one selected, and keeps the originally selected characterintact as what it was before choosing "^")When you are finished, simply rotate the knob clockwise with the cursor in “select” mode until theSave button is highlighted and click to save the configuration preset.-To cancel at any time without saving… With the cursor in “select” mode, rotate the knobclockwise until Cancel is highlighted and click.Load IO ConfigThis option allows you to select and load a previously saved IO configuration.To load a saved IO configuration, highlight “Load IO Config” and click. Rotate the jog wheeluntil the desired IO configuration is displayed and click. To exit without loading a configuration,rotate the jog wheel until *cancel* is displayed and click.Delete IO ConfigThis option allows a previously saved IO configuration to be deleted.To delete an IO configuration highlight “Delete IO Config” and click. Rotate the jog wheel todisplay the IO configuration to be deleted. Click the jog wheel and that named configuration willbe instantly deleted. To exit without deleting a saved configuration, rotate the jog wheel until*cancel* is displayed and click.Rename IO ConfigThis option allows a previously saved IO configuration to be renamed.To rename an IO configuration highlight “Rename IO Config” and click. Rotate the jog wheel todisplay the IO configuration to be renamed and click. Enter the new configuration name asdescribed above in the Save IO Config section. To exit without renaming a configuration, rotatethe jog wheel until *cancel* is displayed and click.<-Exit Click on this option to return to the Main Menu.AdministrativeSeveral maintenance and utility functions are found in this submenu including various Security options to preventtampering by unauthorized personnel, TCP/IP networking parameters and other system-wide parameters.About Presents a dialog displaying the Omnia.ONE software style, firmware release version and frontpanel software version currently active in the unit.