8Parts and their functionsPreview output selection areaThe controls in this area are used to determine whichimages among the transition preview, DSK preview and A/Bbus images are to be output from the PREVIEW outputconnector on the rear panel.Effect execution button areaPREVIEWMEPRVDSKAPROGAPROGSTILLSTROBE VIDEOEFFECTSCOLOREFFECTSBPRESETBPRESETEFFECTSMIX EFFECTME PRV selector buttonThis button is used to select ME preview as the image tobe output to the preview connector. With transitions, theimage of the transition destination can be previewed;with keys, combined images can be previewed.13 42 A/PROG bus selector buttonThis button is used to select the A/PROG bus as theimage to be output to the preview connector.3 B/PRESET bus selector buttonThis button is used to select the B/PRESET bus as theimage to be output to the preview connector.45DSK selector buttonThis button is used to select the DSK combined image asthe image to be output to the preview connector.A/PROG bus / STILL execution buttonThis button forcibly applies the still effect to the A/PROGbus.When it is pressed, the A/PROG video effect settingpage appears on the LCD screen.6 B/PRESET bus / STILL execution buttonThis button forcibly applies the still effect to theB/PRESET bus.When it is pressed, the B/PRESET video effect settingpage appears on the LCD screen.8 B/PRESET bus / STROBE execution buttonThis button forcibly applies the strobe effect to theB/PRESET bus.When the button is pressed, the B/PRESET video effectsetting page appears on the LCD screen. The still andstrobe field/frame setting is performed using the timeeffect settings of [Video Effects].7 A/PROG bus / STROBE execution buttonThis button forcibly applies the strobe effect to theA/PROG bus. The setting is performed as a [VideoEffects] setting screen.When the button is pressed, the A/PROG video effectsetting page appears on the LCD screen.9 A/PROG bus / VIDEO EFFECTS executionbuttonThis applies the mosaic, decay and other video effectsset by [Video Effects] to the A/PROG bus.When the button is pressed, the A/PROG video effectsetting page appears on the LCD screen. When it ispressed together with the Shift button, the A/PROG videoeffect setting page can be displayed on the LCD screenwithout changing the ON/OFF setting of the effects.: B/PRESET bus / VIDEO EFFECTS executionbuttonThis applies the mosaic, decay and other video effectsset by [Video Effects] to the B/PRESET bus.When it is pressed together with the Shift button, theA/PROG video effect setting page can be displayed onthe LCD screen without changing the ON/OFF setting ofthe effects.; A/PROG bus color effect execution buttonThis applies the white balance, brightness adjustmentand other color effects set by [Color Effects] to theA/PROG bus.When it is pressed together with the Shift key, theA/PROG color effect setting page can be displayed onthe LCD screen without changing the ON/OFF setting ofthe effects.< B/PRESET bus / COLOR EFFECTSexecution buttonThis applies the white balance, brightness adjustmentand other color effects set by [Color Effects] to theB/PRESET bus.When it is pressed together with the Shift key, theB/PRESET color effect setting page can be displayed onthe LCD screen without changing the ON/OFF setting ofthe effects.6 8 : <1 2 5 7 9 ;Both the color effects and mono effects cannot be selectedat the same time. If both are selected, the mono effectsalways take precedence.Both still and strobe cannot be selected at the same time.Whichever one was selected last takes precedence. In thecase of manual strobe, the effect is applied by pressing thebutton together with “Shift.”