331. Select the pan-tilt head system using theCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SEL button.2. Press the button in which the tracing memory data to berecalled has been entered.The pan-tilt head system is set to the start positionentered in the tracing memory.3. After the pan-tilt head system has been set to the tracingmemory start position status and then stopped, press thebutton in which the tracing memory data has beenentered again .The pan-tilt head system now starts the operationsentered in the tracing memory.O When the AW-PH350 is used as the pan-tilt head, nooperations will be acknowledged even if the button inwhich the tracing memory data has been entered ispressed before the head is set to the start positionstatus.If, when a model other than the AW-PH350 is used asthe pan-tilt head, the button in which the tracingmemory data has been entered is pressed before thehead is set to the start position status, the operationsof the series of settings stored in the memory will beperformed again from the position where the buttonwas pressed.Therefore, the button in which the tracing memorydata has been entered must be pressed after the pan-tilt head system has been set to the tracing memorystart position status and stopped.O Press the START/STOP button to suspend the recallof the data from tracing memory at any time.This recall can also be suspended as soon as thepan, tilt, zoom or focus operation has been initiated.O The buzzer sounds when tracing memory data recallis started or suspended and when the data recall iscompleted.Recalling tracing memory data1. Select the pan-tilt head system using theCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SEL button.2. Press the button in which the tracing memory data to bechanged has been entered, and call the start position ofthe tracing memory.3. Press the RESTORE button.The RESTORE button’s lamp flashes, and the startposition setting of the tracing memory can be changed.The change mode is canceled if the START/STOPbutton is pressed at this point.4. Press the RESTORE button again.The pan-tilt head system starts performing theoperations entered in the tracing memory, and theRESTORE button’s lamp stops flashing and comes on.As with the data entry process, buttons No. 11 throughNo. 30 serve as a general guideline for the time.5. The tracing memory operations are changed.Partial changes cannot be made to tracing memoryoperations. Enter all the operations again starting fromthe point where the change is made.6. As soon as the lamp in button No. 11 goes off, thebuzzer sounds, and the tracing memory change iscompleted.Making changes to the tracing memoryOperationCONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SELAUX1 2 3 4 5TALLYTRACING MEMORYLAMPMENULIMITOFFLIMITONFULLEMPTYOKLCDCONTRASTCAMERACONTROLSTARTPOINTR/BGAIN/PEDWHITEBAL AWCGAINMODECLOSE WIDE NEARDATA SETTR/PSET M.LOCKMEMORYIRISIRISIRISOPEN ZOOMTELE FOCUSFARCALLINCOMLEVELFOCUSOPENFARTELEOFFONOPERATEWIDEZOOM/FOCUS/IRISABCATWAB NGOKSTART/STOP RESTORE RESETDEF WIP H/F EXT ND OPTIONPAN/TILT SETCAMERA CONTROLTRACING/PRESET MEMORYIRISSPEEDPRIORITYFOCUSBARCAMTRPSETLOWHIGHAUTOMANUAUTOMANULOCK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50DOWNPAN/TILT/FOCUS/IRISUPL RCLOSENEAR OPENFARCLOSENEARSTART/STOP12CONTROL/PREVIEW MONITOR OUT SELAUX1 2 3 4 5TALLYTRACING MEMORYLAMPMENULIMITOFFLIMITONFULLEMPTYOKLCDCONTRASTCAMERACONTROLSTARTPOINTR/BGAIN/PEDWHITEBAL AWCGAINMODECLOSE WIDE NEARDATA SETTR/PSET M.LOCKMEMORYIRISIRISIRISOPEN ZOOMTELE FOCUSFARCALLINCOMLEVELFOCUSOPENFARTELEOFFONOPERATEWIDEZOOM/FOCUS/IRISABCATWAB NGOKSTART/STOP RESTORE RESETDEF WIP H/F EXT ND OPTIONPAN/TILT SETCAMERA CONTROLTRACING/PRESET MEMORYIRISSPEEDPRIORITYFOCUSBARCAMTRPSETLOWHIGHAUTOMANUAUTOMANULOCK1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 13031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4041 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50DOWNPAN/TILT/FOCUS/IRISUPL RCLOSENEAR OPENFARCLOSENEAR12 3•4